Online Free Tamil Chat Room Without Registration - Tamil Girls & Boys Chat Room.
Chat is behalf of Rainbow Tech Solution. Our Tamil Chat Room is the best tamil chat in worldwide. we confidently say this because we have lots of features in our chat room than others. we know you, people are too lazy about registration by giving email ids and some will think before giving email id in public platform and some will thinking about strange chat without registration that's why we made easy to register just providing your nickname only. what are you waiting for? just register into our tamilchat room and make good friends. Chatting with your friends will make you mind free and mind refresh. our chat room is perfect for text and audio and video chat with your chat partners. our chat room is free forever, you will not be going to pay any money for any features of this chat room.
Let's say, in the current era of information technologies go beyond the sky. People who are far away can get connected is very easy in this grown technology world. Nowadays internet chatting and teleconferencing allow you to interact with people. So that we have made a pretty chatting website for people who speak Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Malay. Also people from Tamilnadu, Kerlala, Andra Padesh, Karnataka, kolkata, Mumbai, Malasiya, Singapore, Thailand, United States, France, Italy, Germany come for chatting here in our tamil chat room. All chatting data and audios are stored in the secure SSL/TLS encrypted powerfull cloud Linux server. Our chat software is specially made with PHP and javascript with it and data are stored in SQL secure database server. our tamil chat app is move pretty adaptive for android mobile
Chat Room Features
we have lot of features in our tamil chat room. we can say this is unique and pretty chat enviroinment in this world. First off all we have main lobby people can chat with all in one place together. It supports for both text and voice chatting. Next we know about private chat which means one to one chat is available in our chat environment. There are seperate rooms for tamil, malayalam, telugu, kannada, malay, hindi, english. you can easily switch chat room in one place. Voice chatting is available and optimized in main lobby and private chat. Lots of Emojis, Smilies, Comedy Memes are available, you can use while chatting.
In our chat room, we have a ranking system for chatters as per their involvement in chatting and behaving with chat partners. you will not be going to pay for this ranking system. it's always free ever and ever. we have separate registration systems in our chatroom guest login, Gmail login, facebook login, and custom registration which means giving the only nickname, register by Gmail login Api, register by Facebook login API and register with custom email respectively. The registration process won't take up to 2 minutes and pretty simple.
We have a filter system in our chat system. our tamilchat room staffed with moderators so the chat will be clean and safety. So no spamming at all. every chat room having separate HD FM streaming, so the chatters can hear FM while chatting. we have friends category and friends wall like facebook timeline, chatters will make chat partners as a friend. you can post images and messages on friend wall. your friends will see your post on their screen. you can contact us any time via the contact us menu in the main lobby. Tamil Chat room has some stress relief games, you can play games on the main lobby. Now you will get to know which tamilchat environment is best for you. we also have well designed android tamil chat app.